The IIMS India Branch lead by its Chairman Mr AWJ (Tony) Fernandez designed and delivered seminars on Managing Risks for Shipowners (through H & M and P I covers).
Following on the success of the first two seminars, another one was conducted for Reliance Industries (a Petrochem Giant in India) at their Jamnagar Refinery premises on the 17 January 2014. This seminar was more of a informal Question and Answer session moderated by Mr Tony Fernandez. This seminar too received a very good response with a demand to have more of such sessions conducted for Reliance. Plans are now afoot with the training directors of Reliance to see how the Institute could be of assistance to them here too!
The branch now has plans to conduct a Seminar on “Recent Developments in P&I Insurance in India” and feelers are now being sent to the industry to see how this could be customized and/or delivered (via a public seminar or customised in-house sessions).