Report Writing Review Service

One of the biggest challenges for any marine surveyor is to produce a clear, well laid out, timely, and factual report containing unambiguous findings and clear recommendations for the client.

For some, report writing remains a bit of a dark art. Sadly, IIMS continues to receive complaints, more often than not as a result of a poorly crafted report rather than a lack of technical knowledge. Additionally, the Institute sees too many reports that could do with some improvement and polishing up.

The surveyor’s report is his/her end product and intellectual property; if done effectively, it could secure future business from those who read it.

Mike Schwarz, IIMS Chief Executive Officer, said, “Let’s be clear. All of us can further improve the reports we write and reaching out for a second opinion and some constructive criticism from a fellow professional is not something to be ashamed of; and as they say, ‘every day’s a school day’.”

After internal discussion, IIMS has decided to launch a retrospective report writing review service, with the aim of assisting any member, no matter what grade of membership they hold, who would like help.

Reviews will only be undertaken by members of the IIMS Professional Assessment Committee (PAC). It is members of the PAC who review each and every application before membership is granted. They are experienced marine surveyors at the top of their game.

The findings of each review will be kept confidential between the member and the reviewer.

Clearly having not personally inspected the vessel, the reviewer cannot be expected to (and won’t) make comment on the technical findings in the report. However, if the reviewer feels there is a lack of technical content/detail on a critical part of the vessel, that will be pointed out. This is about providing constructive feedback and criticism.

The key components of the independent review are:
– to assess the length of the report;
– to review the use of photos;
– to comment on the language and grammar;
– to review the style and layout;
– to comment on how well the findings and recommendations are shown;
– and to assess the executive summary.

This service is only available to reports written in the English language.

Members may submit up to three reports for review by an IIMS PAC member.

The cost structure is:
1 report for review £70
2 reports for review £120
3 reports for review £150

If you are interested and would like to discuss this further, please email Camella Robertson, Membership Secretary at

IIMS cannot be held liable in the event that any advice or feedback given is used that later becomes the subject of a litigation claim against the member.

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