The Report Magazine is the official publication of the International Institute of Marine Surveying.

The Institute publishes the Report Magazine four times per year in March, June, September and December. Members are invited to (and do) submit articles regularly for publication, which entitles them to CPD points too. If you wish to send an article for publication please email us.

Each issue will appeal to big ship and small craft surveyors alike. Its content is also highly relevant to P&I Clubs, vessel operators, marine insurers and others involved in the maritime sector. Each issue will be a mix of technical articles and more general features related to the profession of marine surveying. Some of this editorial content is supplied by members and the rest is specially commissioned by the editor.

The Report Magazine September 2024

The 148-page September 2024 Report magazine – edition 109 – is available to read in pdf or eReader formats.

Highlights of edition 109 include:
– Preventative and predictive methods for torsional vibration
– Spotlight on the Italian boating industry
– All new ships to be built without a stern tube?
– How well do you know your lifeboat?
– Tassie: The Wooden Boat Capital of Australia
– Fire safety is crucial and must be treated as such
– Wind turbine recycling: Could this provide a glimmer of hope for millions of end-of-life boats?
– Insurance considerations in the MV DALI and Francis Scott Key Bridge Incident

Read the September 2024 Report Magazine online in e-Reader format or in pdf format: Report Magazine September 2024

The Report Magazine June 2024

The 144-page June 2024 Report magazine – edition 108 – is available to read in pdf or eReader formats.

Highlights of edition 108 include:
– MIC corrosion from a surveyor’s point of view
– Using specialists as part of a superyacht survey
– Know the value of your work
– The Hot Dock: Corrosion in Marinas
– Personal locator devices can save lives
– High waves. High claims
– 10 Golden Safety Rules to live by launched
– Marine lifting operations (Part 1)
– To whom do professionals owe a duty of care?

Read the June 2024 Report Magazine online in e-Reader format or in pdf format: Report Magazine June 2024

The Report Magazine March 2024

The 132-page March 2024 Report magazine – edition 107 – is available to read in pdf or eReader formats.

Highlights of edition 107 include:
– Transporting lithium-ion batteries: identifying and addressing the risks
– Coal cargoes: Avoiding explosion and self-heating
– Things a survey can’t find
– The birth and history of motorboating
– Marine insurance in an increasingly volatile world
– Tips for effective cargo hold cleaning
– Do you know when fire protection systems onboard should be inspected?
– Saving the Panama Canal will take years and cost billions
– Surveying a future beyond Lloyds Register with Iain Wilson

Read the March 2024 Report Magazine online in e-Reader format or in pdf format: Report Magazine March 2024

The Report Magazine December 2023

The 144-page December 2023 Report magazine – edition 106 – is available to read in pdf or eReader formats.

– What a small craft surveyor should inspect
– The dangers and challenges of lithium-ion batteries and fires: What we have learnt and know now
– Wind power developments for sailing boats into headwinds
– Safe working conditions remain an issue on board vessels visiting Australia
– Supramax detention in Immingham Port: A PSC case study
– Rules for expert witnesses
– Cargo packing matters: Amended Dangerous Goods regulation are mandatory from January 2024
– On the subject of Orca attacks
– With each passing year: A review of IIMS activities in 2023

Read the December 2023 Report Magazine online in e-Reader format or in pdf format: Report Magazine December 2023

The Report Magazine September 2023

The 140-page September 2023 Report magazine – edition 105 – is available to read in pdf or eReader formats.

Some of the key features are:
– The Future of AI in Marine Cargo Survey Businesses
– A comprehensive look at the future of yachting
– When the numbers become dangerous: An opinion article by Michael Grey
– The history of ceramic coatings
– The Green and Digital Corridors
– Bills of lading: Basic concepts and issues
– How digitisation can enhance safety and contribute towards a greener future
– Mounting calls for leisure marine sector legislation on overboard discharge

Read the September 2023 Report Magazine online in e-Reader format or in pdf format: Report Magazine September 2023.

The Report Magazine June 2023

The 144-page June 2023 Report magazine – edition 104 – has been published and can be read in pdf or eReader formats.

Some of the key features are:
– Safety tips for handling energy sources onboard
– New AMSA report raises concerns about the alarming increase in vessel fires
– The restoration of the 127-year-old large classic yacht Cariad: Marine surveyors in a project management role
– The marine carriage of nurdles will be regulated but how and when is the question
– The Rise of the Super RIB
– Seafarers desperately need training to handle explosive lithium-ion batteries
– A new era in Greek national maritime legislation began on 1 May 2023
– Water Revolution Foundation issues call for superyacht sector to become green faster

Read the June 2023 Report Magazine online in e-Reader format or in pdf format: Report Magazine June 2023

The Report Magazine March 2023

The 132-page March 2023 Report magazine – edition 103 – is available to read.

Some of the key features are:
– Minimum steel thickness for narrowboats: Special feature
– The opportunities and challenges presented by report writing software
– Is lithium-ion the ideal battery?
– State the facts and only the facts in post-incident reporting
– Key trends driving marine insurance claims activity from fire to inflation
– Beware of the danger of in-transit fumigation
– Firefighting at sea – Towards a safe ship concept
– What lessons could be learned by the Suez Canal Authorities from the Ever Given grounding?
– Finding the cracks before they appear

Read the March 2023 Report Magazine online in e-Reader format or in pdf format: Report Magazine March 2023

The Report Magazine December 2022

The 128-page December Report magazine – edition 102 – is available to read.

Some of the key features are:
– Marine Surveyors: Your Life in Their Hands
– Effective and regular vessel maintenance can prevent machinery failures
– Loss prevention measures for the carriage of electrically powered refrigerated containers in cargo holds
– Guidance for the shipment of project and equipment cargoes
– Sustainability Whitepaper LNG as marine fuel
– Parsing the BIMCO emission trading scheme allowances clause
– Containership 2050: When the box becomes the customer
– Total Methane and CO2 Emissions from Liquefied Natural Gas Carrier Ships: The First Primary Measurements
– 2022: The year that went by in a flash

Read the December 2022 Report Magazine online in e-Reader format or in pdf format: Report Magazine December 2022

The Report Magazine September 2022

The 101st edition – the September 2022 Report magazine – is available to read

Some of the main features and articles include:
– What changes to SOLAS 2024?
– Blistering barnacles! The sticky problem of biofouling
– Modernising the handling of Safety Management Systems for better efficiency
– Advancing sailing technology with safety in mind
– Eliminating the risk of container stack collapses
– Time for transparency about accidents
– How independent are you?
– Marine safety must never become a box-ticking exercise
– Decarbonisation and Alternative Fuels FAQs

Read the September 2022 Report Magazine online in e-reader format or in pdf format: Report Magazine September 2022

The Report Magazine June 2022

The June 2022 The Report Magazine is the 100th edition. The publication has come a long way over the years. These days, The Report is widely read by many thousands.

Some of the feature articles to whet your appetite include:
– 10 awesome ships that were never built
– The emperor has no clothes
– Wonders of Britain’s inland waterways
– The challenging project that is dry-docking
– Going to Court
– 10 best practices for a successful superyacht refit
– The Art of Communication
– BIMCO EEXI transition clause for time charterparties
– Knowing how to stay the course: The story of one man and the Endurance

Read the June 2022 Report Magazine online in e-reader format or in pdf format: Report Magazine June 2022

The Report Magazine March 2022

The key highlights of this 124 page edition of the Report include:

– Maritime Safety Report 2012-2021: a decade of progress
– Getting to zero coalition – Closing the Gap: A new report
– Superyacht building boom creates a supply crunch and crew shortage for ultrarich buyers
– Why are shipping containers lost at sea and where do they end up?
– Good bunkering practice and guidance
– Material obsession. From wood to window frames and rock, boatbuilding has never been so eclectic
– Aluminium versus steel boat hulls. Discuss
– Forensic Accounting in Marine Claims and Cargo Losses
– IIMS President speaks out about interpretation
– Four inefficient shipping regulations that no one talks about
– 3D Scanning and Fusion 360 in Traditional Boat Building

Read the March 2022 Report Magazine online in e-reader format or in pdf format: Report Magazine March 2022

The Report Magazine December 2021

The highlights and feature articles of this bumper 132-page edition include:

– The state of Superyachting
– The missing question from the NTSB Report on MV Golden Ray: WHY?
– Measuring the impact of extreme waves on offshore structures
– Scuppered dreams and abandoned boats – an environmental threat in pictures
– Green building – the future of boatbuilding
– Green Shipping: The not-so-distant future?
– Could disruptive technologies in container ports and terminals be a game-changer?
– Bottom Fouling: Whose head does it fall on?
– Campaign to save and renovate a once great ship
– The story of one stuck humble box of fertilizer highlights the global supply chain crisis
– Review of the 2021 year

Read the December 2021 Report Magazine online in e-reader format or in pdf format: Report Magazine December 2021

Advertise in The Report Magazine

If you are a business that is interested in targeting marine surveyors worldwide, we carry limited advertising in The Report magazine at very reasonable costs. Click to read The Report magazine Media Pack online for full details, information and publishing deadlines.

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