What a Marine Surveyor Needs To Know About Things You See On Survey (And Can’t Quite Always Believe) eBook


Geoff Waddington HonFIIMS has been sailing, building and restoring boats from a young age and has been a marine surveyor for almost as long. Geoff also has a keen interest in the restoration of heritage boats and is an MCA coding examiner. He served a two-year term as President of the International Institute of Marine Surveying during the Covid years from 2020 to 2022.

Over the years, Geoff has seen some absolute shockers in the course of his work, which has led him to write this handy guide to share some of what he has encountered with the surveying profession. Essentially a book comprising photographs taken over the years, Geoff has added short comments to give context to the images and to explain what is going on.

As Geoff advises anyone involved in undertaking marine survey work, “You should behave like a forensic scientist or investigator looking for clues at the potential scene of a crime. You must use all the available means at your disposal to draw a picture of what you may be facing and remember if you fail to find any signs of hull blistering, or serious defects, this does not preclude the possibility of these being present somewhere, or from arising in the future.”

So often it is easy for the surveyor to miss something simple. The photos in the handy guide, frankly some of them unbelievable, act as a reminder of the importance to investigate every nook and cranny and to be thorough.

Author: Geoff Waddington

Size 148 pages

Also available in paperback format priced at £25. Click link below.

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