The IIMS publishes a regular monthly electronic News Bulletin that carries up to date information about Head Office activities and initiatives as well as news, details about forthcoming and recent events and current affairs from around the international IIMS family.

All monthly News Bulletins can be viewed in either pdf or eReader formats.

News Bulletin September 2021

View the news bulletin in full to continue reading: News Bulletin September 2021 (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.

In the past few weeks, several members have commented to me that in their opinion IIMS has become expert at developing and delivering quality training that meets the needs of the marine surveying profession. I am grateful to them for their unsolicited comments and am happy for my colleagues and I to accept the plaudits. I know just how much time and effort we (and those who assist in developing the course and seminar material alongside us) put into perfecting our training offerings. However, I rather hope IIMS is recognised as more than just a training organisation, although I cannot deny we have more exciting training opportunities up our sleeve.

I received an email recently from IIMS member, James Newcombe, one of very few experienced and recognised yacht and small craft surveyors practicing in New Zealand currently. He made two interesting observations and I am sure he will not object if I quote him verbatim. James said, “I joined the IIMS not just for back-up support, or a community to belong to, but also, more importantly, to increase my knowledge.” I hope we deliver all of that and more for members and yes, that takes us full circle back to training and surveying knowledge resources.

I recommend the September Report Magazine, another bumper edition, which has just been published.

News Bulletin August 2021

View the news bulletin in full to continue reading: News Bulletin August 2021 (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.

Covid-19 regulations in the UK have changed recently as the government seeks to unlock further. Will it make a big difference for marine surveyors in the UK? Possibly. And just when we thought we were heading into calmer pandemic waters, two of my colleagues came into contact with people who have tested positive and had to self-isolate. I labour the point about Covid only to highlight that it remains a hazard to us all, not just in the UK.

The IIMS team is now back working full time from Murrills House. Fortunately, before my colleagues had to self-isolate, we managed a highly successful overnight team building event, which brought us altogether face-to-face as a group for the first time in over 18 months. I have included a few photos in this news bulletin to give you a flavour of what the team got up to.

Another story that broke in the last month that caught my attention was indirectly related to the pandemic. The US Coast Guard has published its 2020 Boating Safety Statistics Report and the findings show a rather depressing surge in fatalities during the pandemic. Click to read the full story and the report. In 2020, the report reveals there were 767 boating fatalities nationwide, an increase of 25%. These are troubling statistics and can only be explained by the fact that so many more people have taken to the water in the last 18 months – many of them, I suspect, first-time boaters.


News Bulletin July 2021

View the news bulletin in full to continue reading: IIMS-News-Bulletin-July-2021 (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.

This month there is only one place to start and you will forgive me for being a little self-centred. I am delighted to inform you that we have passed the 1,000 member mark for the first time; and we have another 40 plus applications currently under review by the Professional Assessment Committee. This is a milestone and worth celebrating. The timing could not have been more perfect either as this achievement coincided with the Institute’s 30th birthday celebrations.

The remarkable and positive reaction to edition 96 of the Report Magazine, published last month, was heart-warming and I am grateful to those who took the time to comment on the publication. And as someone was heard to remark as they picked up one of the very few copies we print, “I see we are in the catalogue business now.” At 136 pages it is a monster.

The formal 30th birthday celebrations took place on 9th June prior to the Annual General Meeting. Duncan William bedazzled those who were online with his unbelievable cyber magic and was an instant hit. Just how did he do that? And the 30-minute video that was compiled especially for the IIMS by the Portsmouth Shanty Men was well received. Videos of the Shanty Men and the AGM are available to view on a private playlist on YouTube.

News Bulletin June 2021

View the news bulletin in full to continue reading: IIMS-News-Bulletin-June-2021 (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.

The coming weeks for me are about celebrating the Institute’s 30th anniversary, participating fully in the birthday celebrations and delivering the 2021 Annual General Meeting on 9th June. I encourage you to join us, if at all possible. My personal birthday present to IIMS members (and the wider maritime world) is a gigantic and most comprehensive 136-page Report Magazine, by some margin the biggest we have ever published – click to access it.  For me, this is a fitting way to celebrate and commemorate the Institute turning thirty! Compiling each edition of the magazine remains one of my favourite activities and gives me great pleasure.

Turning thirty provokes mixed emotions – a degree of poignancy laced with a sense of euphoria would perhaps sum it up best. It is an opportunity to pause and reflect for a moment, but not to stand still. I believe, however, it is necessary to look back at our roots, to understand where we have come from as an organisation, recognising the challenges we have faced and overcome; and to acknowledge our significant achievements over this time. But, as I say, we cannot dwell in the past. The profession has come on in leaps and bounds over the past thirty years and marine surveying is unrecognisable from what it was back then, but there is a way to go still. The marine world is evolving rapidly, and we must grasp and embrace what is happening around us to ensure we remain relevant and will continue to be successful over the next thirty years.

News Bulletin May 2021

View the news bulletin in full to continue reading: IIMS-News-Bulletin-May-2021 (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.

I must start my column this month with sad news. April proved to be the toughest of months and became a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. News reached IIMS Head Office of the death of two long-standing Institute Honorary Fellows. Peter Morgan and John Excell passed away within a week of each other early in April. Both men have left their mark on the Institute. This unwelcome news rocked my colleagues and me, as well as some members too. I have devoted space in this news bulletin to the obituaries of both men and to showcase their professional achievements. As a surveyor remarked to me recently, “The graveyards are full of people the world could not do without”. On further examination, it is true. With the passing of these two individuals goes a wealth of knowledge and experience.

On a far lighter note, our head office building, Murrills House, has been under siege from builders, decorators and window installers for the past few weeks as renovations have got into full swing. Work to replace the windows is well advanced. The new hand-built frames and sash windows have been installed, but not without some drama. The final two windows to be replaced are situated at the front of the building. It became clear as work started that the two old wooden lintels were in a desperate state of repair, rotten enough to potentially bring the front of the building down. I saw the wet rot in the one-hundred-year-old plus wooden lintels, and they were an appalling mess. The window openings had to be propped whilst new steel lintels were inserted. The image shows installation nearing completion!

News Bulletin April 2021

View the news bulletin in full to continue reading: IIMS-News-Bulletin-April-2021 (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.

Working from home, a welcome novelty just a year ago, seems to have strangely lost its shine and appeal for many! I am pleased to announce that the IIMS offices (complete with magnificent new wooden windows due to be installed imminently) will start to fill up again from early April.

Bookings have now opened for both the June and November new Professional Qualification in Marine Corrosion. I am delighted at the early interest and thank all those who have taken the leap of faith! It is pleasing to see a good number firming up on their initial expressions interest to study for this new qualification. For more details and to view the schedule of live lectures, click here.

I want to give you notice of the Institute’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), which will be held online via Zoom on Wednesday 9th June from 14.00 (UK time). This year’s AGM marks the Institute’s 30th birthday, a date not to be missed. Of course, we cannot gather to celebrate this auspicious occasion in real time, but we have some online birthday celebrations that will take place during the late morning prior to the AGM. In the May News Bulletin, I will provide more details about what’s happening in next month’s bulletin.

News Bulletin March 2021

View the news bulletin in full to continue reading: IIMS-News-Bulletin-March-2021 (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.

Let me begin by welcoming the newest member of our team. Vicki Loizides starts as Education Co-ordinator with effect from 1 March to replace Lorna Robinson, who has left to take up a new challenge.

My colleagues and I have been amazed by the number and quality of new membership applications that have reached us during January and February – far beyond what we would expect to see or regard as normal. It seems we will be keeping the Professional Assessment Committee busy in the coming weeks! Our first Certifying Authority seminar of 2021 attracted a large online audience. Many who attended were examiners who code with authorities other than the IIMS. I am grateful to our CA Chairman, Fraser Noble and also Rob Taylor, Code Vessel Lead, who spoke on behalf of the UK maritime regulator, the Maritime & Coastguard Agency.

Since announcing the launch of our new Professional Qualification in Marine Corrosion just last month, I have been delighted with the number of expressions of interest we have received so far. If you missed the announcement, please do have a look at what this standalone qualification has to offer you. It aims to give surveyors an in depth understanding of corrosion. Click for full details about the ten qualification modules and how to express your interest.

News Bulletin February 2021

View the news bulletin in full to continue reading: News Bulletin February 2021 (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.

In the past month the UK has faced challenges post Brexit. Ross Wombwell spoke in January about the complexities of the RCD post Brexit. If you missed it, a copy of Ross’ video is available to purchase But IIMS and some of our coding examiners face a bigger challenge. News reached us that the Croatian government is allegedly excluding British flagged vessels under 24 metres from operating commercial charters in their waters post Brexit. Such action will lead to a loss of business for many surveyors and is a concern. IIMS has brought this matter to the UK government.

The recent two-day online US Conference was a great success. Thanks to James Renn for arranging a quality line up of. Check out the videos on YouTube.

IIMS has announced a new Professional Qualification in Marine Corrosion. You can read full details in the bulletin, but in short it is a 10 module programme, delivered over 10 half day by an expert in the field of corrosion. Corrosion remains the bedrock of what a surveyor must understand and this professional qualification has been tailored to meet that need.

And don’t forget to check out our latest handy guide, the twenty sixth we have published.

News Bulletin January 2021

Welcome to 2021. Although some members enjoyed a successful trading year, 2020 is best forgotten and consigned to the history books in my opinion.

This year marks the 30th anniversary since the inception of IIMS. Sadly, we will not be able to commemorate this landmark with face-to-face celebrations as was my original plan. But we are aiming to put together a two-day online celebration in June to mark the occasion. This will coincide with the AGM, so keep an eye out for further details soon.

A new year brings new training opportunities. At the time of writing, Brexit negotiations are still on a knife edge. But I am delighted that Ross Wombwell has agreed to deliver a webinar on 20 January entitled Recreational Craft Directive (RCD) and CE marking – what we know post Brexit so far.

James Renn has done a great job in assembling a first class line up of seventeen speakers for the IIMS US Conference on 22/23 January. Make sure you do not miss this opportunity to be part of a great event and get some CPD points in your bank early in the year!

View the news bulletin in full to continue reading: News Bulletin January 2021 (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.

News Bulletin December 2020

The news from IIMS headquarters in the past month has been distressing and sad to report. Just as we headed into a scheduled four week lockdown period imposed by the UK Government on 3 November, COVID-19 was unwittingly brought into the IIMS offices. Just two days prior, the local council inspector had praised us for our COVID-19 secure working environment following his unannounced visit. But such is the virulent nature of this awful disease, that it is no respecter of any boundaries, or measures put into place seemingly to try and prevent it.

Seven of my colleagues, including myself, were infected within a matter of hours. I labour the point only to highlight that this is a miserable and debilitating disease which is best avoided at all costs! Do all you can to protect yourself from it.

Editing the Report Magazine is, as I am often heard to say, one of the favourite parts of my job. Over the years the output of the publication has developed as the scope of articles has widened. The December edition, number 94, is published today. Click here to access the publication in either pdf or eReader format. In my opinion, it is the most complete publication IIMS has published to date and, at 116 pages, sets a new record as the biggest one ever too.

View the news bulletin in full to continue reading: IIMS News Bulletin December 2020 (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.

News Bulletin November 2020

Whilst on the subject of Zoom, I want to remind you about the two forthcoming, 12 hour marathon Marine Surveying International Fest III days being organised and broadcast for your benefit by IIMS. All are welcome to join and we encourage non IIMS member participation too. Monday 30 November is the day for Large Yacht & Small Craft Surveyors whilst Cargo & Commercial Ship Surveyors should join two days later on 2 December. Both days start at 06.00 (London UK time) with one new presentation being delivered on the hour every hour for twelve hours. One low payment secures access to the whole day’s content plus copies of all videos produced, or you can select the video only option if that date, or the time zones, do not work for you.

I thought it might be of interest to bring members up to date with the latest developments following the acquisition of Murrills House as the Institute’s new permanent headquarters earlier this year. Some of the essential work that did not require planning permission has been completed. This included treating infestation in the roof space, adding new insulation in the loft and replacing some damaged roof slates. The work to replace most of the rotten windows and repair the front door requires formal planning approval and the application has been made in the past few days.

View the bulletin to continue reading: News Bulletin November 2020 (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.

News Bulletin October 2020

The strangest year of our lives continues with receding hopes of an early end to the misery much of the world is suffering due to the pandemic right now. From the UK perspective, the one I am personally closest to, the situation is worsening as the rate of COVID-19 infections has soared. It is the topic on everyone’s minds unsurprisingly. Yet I continue to hear news from the field that many surveyors in worldwide locations are exceedingly busy, struggling to keep up with the work in some cases, rushed off their feet in others. Extraordinary times. Alas, I know it is not like that for all. But we must remain positive.

I have asked some members to let me have a few words so that I can publish a worldwide overview in the December Report
Magazine of how COVID-19 has impacted and changed the surveying business. And a word of caution as the number of complaints against surveyors reaching the Institute is increasing. Please don’t be tempted to take on too much surveying work to the point where your reports are being rushed and not up to scratch. That appears to be the key issue right now.

News reached me of the sad passing of Captn Barry Thompson, who I believe was our second oldest member at 92 years old. I have written my personal tribute to Barry, which you can read in this bulletin.

View the bulletin to continue reading: October 2020 News Bulletin (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.

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