View the February news bulletin in full: IIMS News Bulletin February 2023 (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.
Let me start my introduction to this month’s news bulletin on a dark and cautionary note: cyber-crime and online scams. There surely cannot be a person who has not been the subject of a potential online scam, which often manifests itself through a suspicious email appearing in their inbox. I know I get plenty and sadly have learnt to trust no one online these days. Unless I can be sure I know the recipient I do not open emails and download any attachments. I’d urge you to think likewise. And even then, the sender of the email is unaware sometimes they have emailed you as their account has been hacked by fraudsters without their knowledge. All of this can be distressing and costly too, but it is at the lower end of the cyber-crime pyramid.
Given this is now the reality of the world we live in, I wanted to highlight this topic to keep it fresh in your mind, especially in light of two high-profile reported cyber crimes in the past month affecting the shipping sector.