IIMS US Conference


18/08/2022 - 19/08/2022    
All Day


Bookings closed

Event Type

You are invited to join the IIMS US Conference being held at MITAGS, Baltimore. Your chance to network with fellow marine surveyors in person post pandemic, or join as an online only delegate.

Thursday August 18 and Friday August 19, 2022

Conference Theme:
“The Progress of Expected Changes” Or “Some Surprises in Our Industry”

Venue details:
Maritime Institute of Technology and Graduate Studies (MITAGS).
692 Maritime Blvd, Linthicum Heights Md 21090.
Phone: 410 859-5700

Meeting entry code will be provided for Zoom attendees in good time. Presentations will be videoed and made available to all delegates.

Cost for both days:
$200.00 in person (to include lunch, snacks and refreshments).
$125.00 via Zoom.

Registration may be paid by Credit Card by calling IIMS on 011442392385223 in the UK – Viki Loizides  – or by Check to IIMS, P.O. Box 1041, Stevensville MD 21666.
Or you can book online at the bottom of this page using your debit/credit card.
Contact: James Renn by phone on 410-490-0216 or email: iims.usa@aol.com

Rooms are available in the MITAGS Campus building used for meeting at $152.00 per night – 410-859-5700. Mention the IIMS Conference. Lunch will be provided as part of admission.

Day One: Thursday, August 18, 2022

0830-0900 EST: Mike Schwarz, CEO IIMS. State of the industry. Moves forward and Institute additions.

0900-1030: Jason Minor, Hydro Fin.
Theory and installation of sophisticated Hydrofoils on Multihull Vessels. In this case the application of fixed foils on Recreational Pontoon Craft. Dramatic improvements in speed, control, economy and safety.
Email: Jason@shophydrofin.com or 214-603-0349.

1030-1045: Break

1045-1215: Douglas Natoce’, OXE Diesel Outboard Motors.
The future of diesel outboard motors is here with new concepts in diesel versatility and a different form of power head-to-transmission interaction. Mr. Natoce’ will discuss and demonstrate the concepts through the “Life Cycle and Support of Diesel Outboard Motors” as well as the one fuel aboard safety aspect.
Email: Douglas.notoce@OXEMarine.com or 888-OXE-6016 1215-1300: Lunch

1300-1400: Greg Sharrow and John McFadden.
Forget what you know about Marine Propellers and see another concept in use. Sharrow Marine Propellers are so vastly different from our normal understanding of what a propeller should look like as to make any comparison unfair. New to the maritime industry these inboard and outboard propellers improve power application, economy and vessel adhesion through highly advanced Engineering and Machining Processes.
Email: JMCF@JMCF.com or 215-246-0168

1400-1445: George Zeitler, Marine Surveyor.
The complexities of performing surveys for Government Contracts and inspecting military assets. A discussion on being a mentor.
Email: george@zeitlermarine.com or 954-804-8919.

1445-1500: Break

1500-1545: Ayman Alakkawi, Marine Surveyor.
Container vessel fires. Experience and exposure for the surveyor. Email: Ayman@consultmaritime.com or 331-801-1327.

1545-1615: Joel Jenkins-Marine Surveyor.
Real time use of Electronic Engine Diagnostic Equipment. Learning/training costs and profit potential from a surveyor’s viewpoint.
Email: joeljenkins@gmail.com or 404-512-8887

1615-1645: John Malool, Marine Surveyor.
Confined Space Safety. Why we know about what we should be doing and simply do not do it. Suggestions as to Mandatory Safety Schooling.
Email: Tridentmarine@ymail.com or 201-362-3610

1645-1700: Lloyd Griffin, Marine Surveyor. Review of heavy lift procedures and demonstration of actual situations and activities from long-term experiences. Safety factors that might be overlooked or avoided. Email: Lgriffin111@yahoo.com or 252-333-6105

1700 Closing remarks and thank you.

Day Two: Friday, August 19, 2022

0830 EST. Good Morning! James Renn, Marine Surveyor.
A quick introduction with video to diurnal emission components, what they are, what they do and why you care. Email: Iims.usa@aol.com or 410-490-0216

0900-1015: Gary Goldstein, Marine Surveyor.
Issues in bulk break inspections overall. What happens during a cargo/equipment fire during a product survey?
Email: gary@garysmarinesurveys.com or 520-370-7187

1015-1030: Break

1030-1200: Dr. Robert Gregory Phd.
Dr. Gregory’s new book title “Guide for Business Starts Ups and Existing Businesses” says what it’s all about. Dr. Gregory will address areas specific to Marine Surveying that we may see daily and do not pay direct attention towards. Where is our growth planning headed, or not?
Email: Robgregory_phd@msn.com or 443-506-7996

1200-1300: Lunch

1300-1345: Ray Bracken, Marine Surveyor.
Alternate fuel production research utilizing renewable organic materials such as Sawgrass. Ray will discuss work being performed by the University of Pennsylvania.
Email: ray@abouttheboat.com or 610-506-9400

1345-1500: Dave Diquinzio, Annapolis Hybrid Marine Propulsion.
State of the industry in way of electric/solar power systems and applicable applications.
Email: Ddiquinzio@annapolishybridmarine.com or 442-924-4484

1500-1515: Break

1515-1545: Capt. William Ackley, Marine Surveyor. Open ocean fish farming. Huge containment compounds in way of suspended netting under mobile multihull ships to produce controlled growth fish species. Small crews and high potential output.
Email: Marineforensoutheast@gmail.com or 904-338-7749

1545-1630: James Renn, Marine Surveyor. Wind Farm Generators fueling Autonomous Capacitor Ships which return to shore to discharge electrical current into the electric grid. The systems eliminate underwater cables and disruption of sea bottom environments.
Email: iims.usa@aol.com or 410-490-0216.

1630-1700: Lloyd Griffin, Marine Surveyor. “You just can’t make this up”. The humorous look at photos that defy the imagination and logic.

1700: New items of note and close.

Glad you could make it. Thank you.


Bookings are closed for this event.

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