As many members know, preparing the Report Magazine is a job I love and being able to call on 30 plus years of publishing experience is my excuse! However, the December Report Magazine takes things to a new level. This issue is the biggest ever that IIMS has ever published at 92 pages. Staying with the Report for a moment, I have written a candid review of 2018 in this edition. This year has seen highs and lows that have stretched me mentally and physically, but as my article states, ultimately it has been a year of progress with some key decisions taken by members to reflect upon.
The past couple of months have seen IIMS out on the road running various training events. It is remarkable to discover that over the past eleven months I have met well over 200 members personally. The events we have run this year have been very varied with a wealth of diverse content. I am pleased to announce our provisional events schedule for 2019 in this bulletin.
HOT NEWS just reaching me comes from your President in Dubai, UAE. Capt Zarir Irani has informed me that the next UAE branch conference (the 10th anniversary edition) taking place towards the end of 2019 will be held on board the famous QE2, now permanently moored in Dubai. Now there’s a mouth-watering prospect.
View the bulletin to continue reading: IIMS-News-Bulletin-December-2018 (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.