HMPE synthetic rigging – what a surveyor needs to know


9:00 am - 10:30 am


Bookings closed

Event Type

Nick Parkyn will present the HMPE synthetic rigging seminar
Nick Parkyn will present the HMPE synthetic rigging seminar

The online seminar of about 90 minutes will be delivered by Nick Parkyn, a surveyor who has studied this subject in-depth and also written a handy guide about it too. Nick plans to go into the subject in detail, highlight best practices that should be adhered to, and take the audience through a set of actual examples of good and bad usage, evaluating these just as a marine surveyor would need to do in the real world.

If the date and time are not convenient for you, there is an option below to purchase the video of the seminar to watch on-demand at a later date.

The aim of this seminar is to upskill marine surveyors with knowledge about HMPE synthetic rigging, its characteristics, and how to survey it.

Specifying or upgrading to HMPE synthetic rigging represents a cost-effective “upgrade” for any cruiser, cruiser/racer, or racing sailing craft. Nick will explain why.

Based on increasing acceptance and affordability of synthetic rigging, marine surveyors will increasingly be requested to survey craft with HMPE rigging.

Inspection of HMPE rigging is easier and outcomes are more conclusive than traditional stainless steel wire rope rigging inspections as typically all aspects of terminations are visible.

The use of HMPE rigging has also spawned new hardware and fittings to support this new technology.

The seminar will educate marine surveyors on the new fittings and hardware and usage of HMPE for lifelines, running rigging, and standing rigging.

The seminar will cover all aspects of HMPE usage, working life, terminations, and best practices.


Bookings are closed for this event.

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