IIMS 2021 Online US Conference


22/01/2021 - 23/01/2021    
All Day


Bookings closed

Event Type

2021 Online US Conference organised by James ‘Randy’ Renn on behalf of the International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS)
(Previously known as the Baltimore, Maryland annual event held at MITAGS)

Conference theme:
Tools and systems for the greying fleet
How do they do that?

Hosted by IIMS and being broadcast via Zoom on Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd January 2021

Download the speaker schedule in pdf format: IIMS 2021 US Conference

Get involved and get inspired!
– Network online with fellow surveyors
– Engage with industry sector professionals
– Refresh procedures
– Pick up new skills and knowledge
– A new future in propulsion

14CEs are suggested

Separate meeting Zoom room entry codes and passwords will be provided for each day of the meeting. You can stay online for the whole event, or come and go in and out of the room, re-joining as you wish.

Cost for both days: $150. Payment in advance is required upon which joining instructions will be sent.

Your fee includes remote entry to the online workshop on both days and access to all video content of the presentations that will be made available to you after the event.

How to reserve your place

1) Registration can be made by email to iims.usa@aol.com or by calling James ‘Randy’ Renn on 410 490 0216. Payment in advance can be made by cheque payable to IIMS, or by credit card by calling 1 410 604 2327. Cheques may be sent to: Marine Forensics, P.O. Box 1041, Stevensville MD 21666.


2) Reserve and pay for your place by using the online form below.

Day One: Friday 22nd January 2021

08:30 EST, Mike Schwarz, Chief Executive Officer, International Institute of Marine Surveying.
State of the Institute and the Industry. Challenges and Change.
Email: info@iims.org.uk
Web: iims.org.uk

09:00 Steve Schnuttler, Worldwide Fiberglass
Working with the New Fiberglass Repair Estimator Tool.
Web: Worldwidefiberglasssystems.com
Telephone: 989-895-7000

09:30 James Renn FIIMS. SAMS AMS Surveyor, Marine Forensic Technicians.
Reflective Electromagnetic Energy. Cleansing surfaces of bio issues without chemicals or aggressive procedures.
Email: iims.usa@aol.com
Telephone: 410-490-0216

10:00 Captain John McDevitt. Marine Surveyor, AMS Professional Delivery Captain.
Compliance and Catastrophe. Vessels and systems may be compliant and still the worst scenario. California Dive Boat issues.
Email: R-jmcdevittcaptain2aol.com
Telephone: 610-220-5619

10:45 Kristopher Diel. Marine Surveyor, AMS, SAMS Secretary Treasurer.
What we should see from a distance before what we have come to see up close.
Web: Marinesurveyor.com/diel
Telephone: 504-236-8151

11:30 Dennis David. Corporate Supporting IIMS member and SAMS.
Methods of accommodation and machinery space decontamination. Bad things that do not go bump in the night.
Web: RGSPureSpace.com
Telephone: 410-265-6548

12:30 Break

13:00 Todd Lochner. Admiralty Law.
New areas of responsibility in your procedures. Report dialog that may not have been relevant in the past that the surveyor must know. You knew or should have known.
Web: Boatinglaw.com
Telephone: 443-716-4400

14:00 Gerald Zingale. Marine Surveyor, AMS.
Liquid Cargo Inspections. What you need to know, do, report and to whom. Twenty Five Years of knowing the ropes and investigation have given this Surveyor great depth in a subject we rarely see. M. R. Wolf & Co. Vessel Safety@yahoo.com. 718-913-8643.

14:45 Dan Phalen. Vice President, Groco.
Since 1918 Croco-Gross Mechanical Laboratories Inc. has been and continues to be at the forefront of Marine Hardware Innovation. No vane non wearing pumps, flow systems and self-cleaning seawater strainers with self-actuating seacocks are a few of the products. What’s new from a manufacturer that inspects each item sold by eye and each item assembled by hand.
Web: www.groco.net
Telephone: 410-604-3800

15:45 Brad Pickel, Executive Director, Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Association.
What is the state of the system? What the future will mean to Operators, Material Handlers, Shipowners and Charterers. The future of waterways capacity and projections of change.
Web: www.atlanticintracoastal.org
Telephone: 843-379-1151.

16:45 Closing remarks

Day Two: Saturday 23rd January 2021

08:45 EST. Good Morning and a quick review of Friday’s meeting.

09:00 Lloyd E. Griffin III. Marine Surveyor, SAMS, AMS.
Tier 4 and imposing nearly untenable regulations on large yacht builders. EPA and IMO Regulations make compliance to emissions and sound regulations extremely difficult to meet in current yacht manufacturing configurations. Control devices can be as large as or larger than propulsion systems. What will this mean for large yacht manufacturing and will there be a future?
Email: Lgriffin1112@yahoo.com
Telephone: 252-333-6105

10:00 Richard H. Foster. Marine Surveyor, SAMS, AMS.
The skill set of negotiating for your client. The well defined art of push and pull negotiating. There is a formula for working for the best possible position for your insurance company, marina, injured party or finance institution. Learn the basics and follow the plan to leave less on the table.
Email: fostersurv@comcast.net
Telephone: 772-223-5539

11:00 George Zeitler. Marine Surveyor, SAMS, AMS.
Managing a new build. The problems and pitfalls associated with supply, construction and time expectations. Email: Georg@zeitlermarine.com
Telephone: 954-804-8919

11:45 James Renn. Marine Surveyor, FIIMS, SAMS, AMS.
Free valve engines – Another future in propulsion. Can a 2.0 liter, three cylinder engine produce 600Hp=437KW while being able to consume various grades of petroleum and ethanol while greatly lowering emissions? The answer is yes and this introduction to Athinson and other cycles will help you understand how.
Email: iims.usa@aol.com
Telephone: 410-490-0216

12:30 Break

13:15 Robert Kochan CMI, ME. President of Forensic Marine Investigations International.
Procedures and protocols for proper forensic analysis from both hard evidence and situational evidence.
Email: Bobkochan@4n6marine.com
Telephone 919-740-5040

14:00 Christopher Criemes. CEO of Allied Titanium.
Explanation of uses and machining of titanium for maritime applications. Such matters as heat transfer, strength and durability will be discussed by the leader in this industry.
Email: Chris@alliedtitanium.com
Telephone: 206-321-2400

15:30 Capt. William Weyant. Marine Surveyor, IIMS, SAMS, AMS.
Use of a particulate and organic contaminate diagnostic tool and oil samples as part of the surveyor’s kit. Providing another set of services and increasing your margin of safety.
Email: Weyantb@comcast.net
Telephone: 410-322-6701

16:00 New items of note. Thank You and Close.


Bookings are closed for this event.

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