View the news bulletin in full to continue reading: IIMS News Bulletin January 2022 (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.
A number of members have asked when face-to-face Institute events and meetings can begin again. In truth, I have no idea and at this time do not expect to be travelling internationally in 2022. We have provisional plans to hold the AGM in June in the grounds of IIMS Head Office, Murrills House, but for now there remains a question mark over that.
Since I took up my role with IIMS, I have never managed to fully get to grips with the sheer number of accidents that happen at sea. It shocked and horrified me then and still does. I read something recently from Standard Club that said they process 7,500 claims per annum – and that is just one organisation. Multiply that up and the number of annual claims must surely run into tens of thousands. For me this is unacceptable and more must be done. It is with this in mind that I decided to publish the first edition of the IIMS 2021 Safety & Loss Prevention Briefings Compendium. It runs to 100 pages and the sole aim is to bring together as many of last year’s incident/accident reports and loss prevention guidance as possible into one easy-to-use electronic magazine format. There is content relevant to marine surveyors of all disciplines, and I believe this publication is an essential addition to your online resource library. I would encourage you to share it with your professional network.