I just wanted to record some random thoughts and comments whilst they are fresh in my mind on what is a very exciting time at the Institute right now. The past few weeks have been extremely busy, yet very rewarding too.
It gave me great pleasure to read the comments from members who were kind enough and took the trouble to send me their thoughts on The Report Magazine March edition. The feedback has been excellent. It was in my opinion one of the best editions of the magazine we have produced to date and I am pleased it went down so well with so many members.
The recent Small Craft Working Group event held last month at Portchester Sailing Club was a great successful and attracted around 30 surveyors. We mixed up the agenda and the day had a rather different feel about it to the previous format, but feedback from those who attended was first class. I am now very much looking forward to our Certifying Authority Training Day at Trafalgar Wharf on 13 May. We plan to make some videos on heel testing, inclining experiments and freeboard measurements. These will be released via the web site and YouTube channel in time.
We chose the last day of Ocean Business at Southampton to formally announce the launch date of the new IIMS CMID vessel inspector accreditation scheme, being run by the Institute’s subsidiary, Marine Surveying Academy Ltd, on behalf of IMCA. This has become a major bit of work for us. Countless late nights later, we have a worldwide accreditation scheme that we believe is fit for purpose and is now ready to roll out. Those seeking accreditation can apply from 1 May and we will have the first accredited inspector unveiled by 1 June. Personally I believe this initiative will cement the IIMS as a most respected member of the marine and maritime world. A number of IIMS members have already come forward as potential assessors and trainers. I am grateful to them and we still welcome further applications too by email.
The final item I wanted to mention in this blog is the forthcoming IIMS London 2015 Conference. We will be releasing more details about this event, which is being held at the Old Library at Lloyds of London on 7/8 September. I am delighted to have secured such an iconic venue for our Conference. The chase is now on to agree sponsorships and also to confirm the speaker programme, which is nearing completion. The line up is looking excellent and I am confident we will present a most thought provoking and educational event for IIMS members. Add dinner on HMS Belfast on the evening of Monday 7 September to the mix and the AGM at 14.00 on Tuesday 8 September at nearby Watermen’s Hall and all in all this will be a couple of days to remember. Watch for further details.
Keep safe.
Mike Schwarz