For many years, the IIMS Certifying Authority (CA) has pursued a rigid training policy, requiring an examiner to attend one of the two days real-time training that has been arranged annually. This concept now seems somewhat outdated and inflexible. Furthermore, asking an examiner whose specialism is coding motorboats to sit through a presentation on workboats and cranes at a training day is not a great use of anyone’s time, unless it has direct relevance of course!
It has always been a requirement as part of the Institute’s contract with the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) that our coding examiners are continually assessed, which includes attending training. And at MCA audit the CA is asked to provide evidence that this has happened.
The new-look CA training strategy aims to be more targeted toward various specific aspects of the Codes. So instead of full days of training covering a variety of topics, the IIMS CA is planning a series of succinct, tailored presentations that last for a much shorter time for a modest fee, all broadcast via Zoom whilst the pandemic continues. It is expected that coding examiners will have attended two training sessions in one full calendar year. A series of training dates for 2021 will be published in the coming weeks, but for now, the first one in this new format is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 10 November starting at 10.00 (London, UK time).
10.00 An explanation of the process of Plan Approval for an under 24 metre hull and deck structure by a Class Association by Mike Barnett.
Aspects covered include:
– Workshop and manufacturer’s procedures approval
– Typical drawings and calculations reviewed
– Likely number of visits to inspect mouldings or fabrications
– Extent of scantling checking and inspection of quality records
– Format of Certificates including limitations (speed, displacement and wave height)
– Vessel / Hull Markings and / or Plating
– Validity (or invalidity of certificate) if the structure is altered
11.30 Update on the Codes by Fraser Noble, IIMS Certifying Authority Chairman
12.15 Close
The cost of this training session is £45.
IIMS CA training has always been open to examiners from other organisations and this policy will not change. Equally, if an IIMS examiner attends training provided by another UK CA, that should be recorded with the Institute.
Click here to reserve your place.