Details have been announced for the next IIMS Western Med training event (28-29 April), which will take place in Palma, Majorca at the same time as the Palma Superyacht Show.
The event will take place over two days and follows a different theme to past events as it incorporates some Certifying Authority and tonnage education mixed with some small craft surveyor training.
Day One (Thursday 28 April) will be of interest to IIMS Certifying Authority members and any members wanting to become accredited to do tonnages. John Excell, IIMS Chairman of Small Craft Surveying and a member of the Certifying Authority committee, will lead the proceedings and training.
09.00 Meet at the venue by the Palma Superyacht Show
09.30 Certifying Authority training. How to complete an SCV2 to a satisfactory standard, the pitfalls to avoid and how to interpret the questions.
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Return to the classroom for training in tonnage theory.
15.30 It is planned to head out of the classroom to do some practical tonnage measuring on a nearby vessel.
All present will be invited to complete a tonnage form. These will be assessed after the event and those successfully completing the form can put themselves forward as an approved IIMS tonnage surveyor.
The cost of Day One training is 225 euros. Lunch is at your own cost and it is planned to head off as a group to a nearby restaurant.
Day 2 (Friday 29 April)
Free entry is offered to the Palma Superyacht Show as part of your training course fees. Meet at the show one hour before it opens at 11am. Mike Schwarz, IIMS CEO, will talk about head office activities and discuss the importance of surveyor standards and competency.
10.00 Meet at FOSH Restaurant inside the show
11.00 Free time to explore the show
14.00 Assemble at the venue by the show after your lunch for an afternoon of training relevant to small craft surveyors. Speakers and content to be confirmed.
The cost of Day Two is 100 euros.
If you reserve a place to come to both days training and events, the cost is reduced to 260 euros. You also pick up 5 valuable CPD points for attendance on either day.
To reserve your place at either or both days of this IIMS event please email Tania Bernice or call her on +44 (0) 23 9238 5223.