News Bulletin October 2020

The strangest year of our lives continues with receding hopes of an early end to the misery much of the world is suffering due to the pandemic right now. From the UK perspective, the one I am personally closest to, the situation is worsening as the rate of COVID-19 infections has soared. It is the topic on everyone’s minds unsurprisingly. Yet I continue to hear news from the field that many surveyors in worldwide locations are exceedingly busy, struggling to keep up with the work in some cases, rushed off their feet in others. Extraordinary times. Alas, I know it is not like that for all. But we must remain positive.

I have asked some members to let me have a few words so that I can publish a worldwide overview in the December Report
Magazine of how COVID-19 has impacted and changed the surveying business. And a word of caution as the number of complaints against surveyors reaching the Institute is increasing. Please don’t be tempted to take on too much surveying work to the point where your reports are being rushed and not up to scratch. That appears to be the key issue right now.

News reached me of the sad passing of Captn Barry Thompson, who I believe was our second oldest member at 92 years old. I have written my personal tribute to Barry, which you can read in this bulletin.

View the bulletin to continue reading: October 2020 News Bulletin (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.

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