Shelley Jory confirmed as compere for the Seawork Innovations Awards

Shelley Jory is set to compere the Seawork  Innovations Awards
Shelley Jory is set to compere the Seawork Innovations Awards

Seawork is pleased to announce that Shelley Jory, one of the UK’s leading powerboat racers and co-host of BBC Radio Solent’s H2O Show will be the compere for the evening at the Seawork Innovations Awards on Tuesday 16 June 2015.

For the past decade Shelley has forged her way through the male dominated sport of power boating with major achievements including heading up the first all-female team to enter the Powerboat P1 World Championship series in 2009.

She is an articulate and motivational speaker, extremely passionate about her sport. With her winning personality, Shelley will bring experience, humour and an in-depth knowledge of the powerboat racing world to the evening.

The awards
The Seawork Innovations Awards Evening is always popular and a fabulous opportunity for companies to be recognised by their peers, for their achievements within the commercial marine industry.

The Spirit of Innovation Award is a hotly contested trophy for Seawork exhibitors who, in the past 12 months, have introduced and promoted products, vessels, services or projects to their key commercial audience. There will be various category winners and this prestigious award is given to the overall winner.

The venue for the Seawork Innovations Awards
The Vestry is a beautiful building in the heart of Southampton, opposite the Mayflower Theatre. It has stood for over a hundred years and still shows signs of its history with large old church doors, flamboyant Renaissance Italian frescos and a balcony inside.

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