Marine Corrosion and its Prevention in Small Vessels one day seminar


All Day


Spindler Room, Lakeside North Harbour
Western Road, Portsmouth, PO6 3EN

Event Type

IIMS has joined forces with the British Stainless Steel Association (BSSA) to deliver a one day essential seminar called ‘Marine Corrosion and its Prevention in Small Vessels’. The day’s programme will be delivered by Dr Mike Lewus, Technical Advisor, BSSA on Tuesday 23 January 2018 at Lakeside Harbour, Portsmouth commencing at 09.00. Delegates who cannot be there in person may join online live via Zoom. IIMS was so impressed with Mike when he spoke at the London Conference on the same topic, that they have engaged him to expand his presentation into a whole day’s seminar. And this is the result.

Who should attend?
This seminar suits marine surveyors, marine engineers designers and specifiers interested in material degradation mechanisms in the marine environment and selecting fit-for purpose materials.

Click for full details about the content of the day and how to reserve your place now.

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