News Bulletin May 2022

View the May news bulletin in full: IIMS News Bulletin May 2022 (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.

Two of our own have hit the news headlines over the past month. I call Albert Weatherill ‘one of our own’, for he is one of the longest-standing IIMS members. These days he is Managing Director of Van Ameyde McAuslands. A couple of weeks ago Albert wrote an article that was instantly picked up by the shipping and boating press. He rightly argues that seized maritime assets could pose a “significant risk” to ports, harbours and marinas if there is no requirement to ensure mega yachts detained under sanction rules are not properly maintained, made safe, or deactivated and exposes the safety concerns. One wonders why no-one had thought to question what would happen when over 100 mega yachts are effectively impounded, seemingly in the blink of an eye.

The Institute’s 2022 Annual General Meeting is fast approaching. The online meeting will be broadcast live from Murrills House, Portchester at 14.00 on Tuesday 7th June. The meeting will be recorded and made available on the IIMS YouTube channel for viewing at a later date for those who are interested but cannot make the date.

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