UK MAIB issues its second Safety Digest of 2016

The UK MAIB has announced the publication of the second issue for 2016 of its Safety Digest which includes lessons learned from maritime accidents. This latest edition of the Safety Digest contains 25 articles which are examples of poor risk awareness demonstrated by the crews of vessels from the merchant, fishing and recreational sectors.

Steve Clinch, Chief Inspector of Marine Accidents states:
“The procedures and safe working systems that lie at the core of all safety management systems are there for a reason – invariably mariners have been hurt, ships and/or their cargoes have been damaged or lost, or the environment harmed. MAIB investigations into marine accidents consistently identify cases where mariners chose to ignore the instructions and guidance contained in companies’ safety management systems.“

“The root cause for this is often complex, but MAIB investigators regularly identify a disconnect between the safety culture that shore-based managers believe (or perhaps hope) is in place within their fleet and what is really happening on board.”

“A strong safety culture is not something that will appear by magic, it takes hard work and commitment – particularly from senior managers ashore and afloat. Similarly, safety management systems need to evolve over time if they are to remain credible.”

“A depressing fact, taken from many investigations that the MAIB has conducted into accidents which have resulted in the crew going into the sea, is that PFDs are not being routinely worn by fishermen when working on the open deck (see Cases 18 and 22). This is despite a concerted campaign by many different stakeholders to encourage this. So here is another fact: if you fall, or are taken overboard from your fishing vessel, based on the typical year round temperatures in UK waters, MAIB statistics indicate you will most likely die from the effects of cold water shock within 15 minutes if you are not wearing a PFD. Think about how your loss will affect your family and loved ones.”

Read the digest in full: UK-maib-safety-digest-2

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