MAIB releases MGN 564 to replace MGN 458 describing how marine casualties and marine incidents should be reported

On 20th March 2017, the MAIB opened a consultation to stakeholders to gather views on a new Marine Guidance Note (MGN) to replace MGN 458. The MGN provides guidance on the legal obligation to report marine casualties and marine incidents to the MAIB, as contained in The Merchant Shipping (Accident Reporting and Investigation) Regulations 2012. It describes the process and the information required for reporting.

The draft new MGN was divided into sections, designed for quick reference, being:
– A brief introduction
– Who Must Report
– What to Report
– When to Report
– How to report

The consultation was accessible via the website and via a link on Announcements about the consultation were also made via the MAIB’s Twitter and Facebook accounts. Those who have signed up for DfT consultation alerts and/or MAIB news alerts will also have received notification of the consultation.

The consultation remained open for 4.5 weeks, until 19th April 2017.

The MAIB is extremely grateful for all the feedback received from stakeholders and for their time and effort in forwarding their valuable comments. A significant proportion of comments received justified amendments to the MGN and, where this was the case, the text has been changed.

Click to read the summary of the consultation

Read the new MGN: MGN_564

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