One of the things I enjoy most is getting out and meeting marine surveyors face to face and not just those who are members of the Institute. Because I work in a bubble at the IIMS head office for periods of time, it only by face to face meetings that I can learn more about the role of a surveyor and better understand the challenges surveyors are facing in their day to day roles. I also delight in being able to pass on news about the progress of the Institute too.
This was never truer than the recent two day Western Mediterranean Small Craft Working Group, held in Palma – click for a full report. To spend a couple of days with over 20 surveyors was a privilege. It gave us the opportunity to introduce a new group to the work of a coding surveyors, as conducted through the IIMS Certifying Authority. And as a result of the training, we are able to authorise a new bunch of surveyors to conduct tonnage measurements. My thanks to John Excell and John Walker for all they did to ensure the event was such a success. My thanks also to those who attended coming as they did from as far afield as The Cook Islands and all parts of Europe.
The birth of the IIMS Canada Branch following the amalgamation with the Association of Marine Surveyors British Columbia has presented some challenges, which have been overcome. So it is pleasing to report that the branch held its inaugural meeting at the weekend under the chairmanship of Regional Director, Drew Korek, who conducted proceedings and oversay the election of officers. The new committee is made up of:
Chairman: Ed O’Connor
Secretary: Alistair Beaton
Treasurer: Jostein Hoddevik
Committee member (West): Ian Hopkinson
Committee member (East): Said Nassif
The Regional Director, which is a non elected position, is held by Capt Andrew Korek
On behalf of the IIMS family worldwide, I wish them strength and courage as they set out their plans to move the Branch forward.
Whilst on the subject of IIMS overseas branches, it was pleasing to hear this morning that the IIMS India Branch Conference has confirmed its Conference to celebrate the IIMS Silver Jubilee. It will be held in Mumbai on Wednesday 5 October. Full details will be announced nearer the time as the programme is developed and put together.