Guidance on RMI flagged yacht recreational fire appliances issued

Guidance on recreational fire appliances for yachts issued by RMI flag state
Guidance on recreational fire appliances for yachts issued by RMI flag state

The Republic of Marshall Islands has published its requirements for the design, installation and operation of Recreational Fire Appliances onboard RMI-flagged yachts.

The definition of Recreational Fire Appliances covers fireplaces which use wood, ethanol or LPG as a primary fuel source, or for ignition purposes. They include charcoal galley ovens, LPG or charcoal fire barbeques, spit roasts and fire pits.

Operational guidance

1. When Recreational Fire Appliances are installed or used onboard, a risk assessment must be conducted for each appliance type. This risk assessment must form part of the yacht’s Safety Management System (SMS).

2. Crew assigned to duties in maintaining and operating the Recreational Fire Appliances must be trained in the use of the equipment and in measures to take in case of an emergency.

3. As part of the yacht’s SMS, an operational procedure must be available outlining the requirements of the type specific Recreational Fire Appliances onboard. The procedures must:

– address the regular cleaning and inspection of all equipment and associated areas; and
– provide the Master with the authority and responsibility to decide, taking all conditions into account, whether and when the RFA may be used.

These procedures must be readily available for all persons, including external caterers and their staff, involved in the operations or maintenance of the Recreational Fire Appliances.


1.Where the Recreational Fire Appliance’s arrangement consists of a vent that can be closed, warning signs must be placed in a visible location to indicate that the vent must be opened before the equipment is used.

2. Ventilation ducts used for Recreational Fire Appliances must be constructed of steel with a wall thickness of at least three mm and be of a type recommended by the manufacturer.

3. Recreational Fire Appliances’ exhaust ducts must ventilate directly to the atmosphere and be independent from any other ventilation system. Spark arrestors must be provided at the outlet of the ducts.

4. Exhaust ducts must be kept clear from any air intakes and ventilation systems serving spaces and tanks containing flammable liquids. These ducts must be located outside any dangerous zones with a distance of at least three meters (m).

5. Duct dimensions and capacity of the exhaust air must be in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. Connections of these ducts must be kept to a minimum, gas tight and suitably located to enable inspections and maintenance.

6. Exhaust ducts and filters must be provided with easily accessible openings for cleaning and inspection.

7. Exhaust duct penetrations of a fire-rated division must be of the same fire integrity rating as the bulkhead or deck penetrated.

8. If installed, ventilation extraction systems for Recreational Fire Appliances must be provided with an audible and visible alarm to indicate any system failure.

9. Exhaust ducts must be provided with a manually operated fire damper at the lower end of the duct. When in open position, the free area must be such that the damper does not obstruct more than 20% of the duct area and be fitted with suitable means for extinguishing and containing the fire within the duct.

Where practicable, exhaust ducts should be provided with access at suitable locations for cleaning, inspection and access for a fire extinguishing with a suitable portable fire extinguisher.

Solid-fuel fireplaces

1.Solid-fuel fireplaces must be contained by a steel enclosure provided with heat resistant glass or other non-combustible material front to prevent any burning particles from escaping from the combustion chamber. In case of a temperature raise that exceeds the manufacturer’s recommendations, the vent should have the capability to stop automatically and the combustion chamber door should have an interlock arrangement to prevent feeding of the combustion chamber.

2. The hearth of the non-combustible material (meaning, stone or tiles) must be as per the manufacturer’s specifications.
For fireplaces with an opening of less than 0.56 square meters (m2), the hearth should extend not less than 405 mm beyond the front of the fireplace and at least 200 mm beyond each side of the fireplace opening. For fireplaces with an opening greater than 0.56 m2, the hearth should extend not less than 510 mm beyond the front of the fireplace and at least 300 mm beyond each side of the fireplace opening. Regardless of the opening size, the hearth should always extend under the base of the fireplace.

3. Solid fuel materials must be stored in a suitable enclosed locker or space which is provided with an addressable fire detection system and a fixed fire extinguishing system. No electrical equipment other than lighting shall be located in the store.

Ashes should be removed from the appliance only after they have been extinguished and cooled down with no warm embers remaining. The ashes should be collected into a metal container with a tight-fitting metal lid.

Download the notice: RMI-MN-2-011-57-Recreational-Fire-Appliances

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