Status update on biofouling regulations around the world

As new requirements for managing biofouling on international vessels arriving in Australia will begin on 15 June 2022, more countries around the world have already established similar biofouling regulations to address the effects.

The transfer of invasive aquatic species to new environments via ships has been identified by the IMO as a major threat to the world’s oceans and to the conservation of biodiversity, hence the need for enhanced biofouling regulations. Continue reading “Status update on biofouling regulations around the world”

Thames Estuary zero emissions operations are gearing up

A stream of green projects is helping the marine sector mark the shift towards Thames Estuary zero emissions.

Net Zero Marine Services (NZMS) has secured capital from UK Power Networks’ Green Recovery Fund programme to support its power infrastructure along the Thames. NZMS are developing seven shore power locations in central London. These locations will create a network of high Continue reading “Thames Estuary zero emissions operations are gearing up”

Ban of cybutryne in anti-fouling coating systems effective from 1 January 2023

Image credit: IMO
Image credit: IMO

The International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships (AFS Convention) currently prohibits the use of harmful Organotins in anti-fouling paints used on ships. The IMO has published amendments to the AFS Convention, which come into force on 1 January 2023.

These amendments introduce new requirements that ban the future installation of anti-fouling systems which contain a toxic substance Continue reading “Ban of cybutryne in anti-fouling coating systems effective from 1 January 2023”

Hydrogen fuel cell startup receives government funding to tackle maritime decarbonisation

Bramble Energy PCBFC™ Stack
Bramble Energy PCBFC™ Stack

Bramble Energy – a hydrogen fuel cell technology startup – has secured just under £1million (£994,050) in government funding as part of the BEIS (Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy) Energy Entrepreneurs Fund. The money will be used to further develop their hydrogen fuel cell technology, to replace diesel engines in boats, potentially saving 50,000 tonnes of CO2 per year. The unique fuel cell will be the basis for a fully compliant demonstrator vessel, crucial for the rapid adoption of hydrogen within inland waterways. Continue reading “Hydrogen fuel cell startup receives government funding to tackle maritime decarbonisation”

Coatings manufacturer Hempel launches new CO2 reduction targets

Photo credit: Hempel
Photo credit: Hempel

By focusing on sustainability, organic growth and strategic acquisitions, Hempel grew its revenue to €1.8 billion in 2021.

“Putting sustainability at the heart of how we do business is the right thing to do and the smart thing to do. To win key customers, we must deliver solutions and develop partnerships that answer to their sustainability challenges”, said Lars Petersson, Group President & CEO of Hempel.

In February 2021, the company introduced Futureproof, a comprehensive framework and guide for embedding sustainability throughout the Hempel business. Futureproof lays out measurable Environmental, Social & Governance Continue reading “Coatings manufacturer Hempel launches new CO2 reduction targets”

Tackling the issue of underwater noise

Korean Register issues guidance to help the marine industry tackle underwater noise from ships.
Korean Register issues guidance to help the marine industry tackle underwater radiated noise from ships.

The Korean Register (KR) has issued new class notation and guidance to help the marine industry tackle noise from ships.

“Several countries and ports have already introduced regulations relating to underwater radiated noise and some ports, such as the Port of Vancouver, are offering discounts on port user fees for vessels that meet the standards,” said a KR official.

”If our customers’ vessels have obtained KR’s class notation for underwater radiated noise, they will also be able to benefit from these advantages while reducing their impact on the maritime environment.” Continue reading “Tackling the issue of underwater noise”

Getting to zero coalition – Closing the Gap: A new report

Shipping is a cornerstone of global trade and, as such, the GHG emissions created by shipping are significant and rising, accounting for almost 3% of global anthropogenic emissions (Faber et al. 2020a). Recent projections suggest that by 2050, shipping emissions will increase by between 90-130% of 2008 emissions by 2050 (ibid.). However, in April 2018, the IMO adopted the Initial GHG Strategy which set the ambition to reduce total annual GHG emissions by at least 50% by 2050, while pursuing effort towards phasing out GHG emissions this century as a matter of urgency, consistent with the Paris Agreement temperature goal. With emissions projected to rise and international targets having been set, the question becomes, how these targets can be met by shipping? Continue reading “Getting to zero coalition – Closing the Gap: A new report”

Report by MB92 looks at challenges for the superyacht industry to become sustainable

The superyacht industry is running out of time to course-correct on sustainability if it and its playground – the oceans – are to survive the century, a new report finds.

“The cost of inaction is evident and will be extremely dire for our oceans and industry,” said Pepe García-Aubert, president and CEO of the MB92 Group. “However, I am convinced that through a collaborative approach, our industry can rise to the challenge and achieve our goal of a sustainable future for superyachting.” Continue reading “Report by MB92 looks at challenges for the superyacht industry to become sustainable”

Canal & River Trust 2020/2021 Annual Report published

Canal & River Trust 2020/2021 Annual Report published
Canal & River Trust 2020/2021 Annual Report published

The Canal & River Trust 2020/21 Annual Report and Accounts document a year dominated by Covid-19, from the pandemic’s operational and financial impact on the Trust, to the lifeline the waterways and towpaths provided throughout for millions of people across England and Wales. The Canal & River Trust 2020/2021 Annual Report also looks ahead to the 2021/22 Government Grant Review, and demonstrating the waterways’ benefit to the nation.

The Trust’s income was £215.4 million in 2020/21 (2019/20: £216.1m), reflecting the actions taken in recent years to ensure that its income, vital for looking after the ageing waterways infrastructure, is secure. Whilst overall spend on charitable activities decreased year-on-year by £10.8m to £183.3m, partly the result of provisions for Toddbrook Continue reading “Canal & River Trust 2020/2021 Annual Report published”

Consultation for the carriage and charging of electric vehicles on Ro Ro ferries is now open

The consultation seeks your views on the draft Marine Guidance Note MGN 653(M) Electric Vehicles Onboard Passenger Ro-Ro Ferries. The increase in electric vehicle (EV) numbers in the UK has led to increasing demand for transit of EV onboard passenger Ro-Ro ferries (Ro-Pax). Currently, there are limited requirements specific to the charging of electric vehicles onboard UK vessels. However, noting the increasing popularity of electric vehicles it has become apparent that there is a potential for users of these vehicles to expect charging to be available onboard, and for operators of such vessels to consider offering this facility. This marine notice provides guidance for the safe carriage and charging EVs. Continue reading “Consultation for the carriage and charging of electric vehicles on Ro Ro ferries is now open”

Pathway to Net Zero Emissions report published by DNV

Pathway to Net Zero Emissions is a new report by DNV. A feasible path to limit planetary warming to 1.5°C requires certain countries and sectors to go below net zero and to do so well before the middle of the century, according to new analysis from the authors of the Energy Transition Outlook.

Policymakers are set to meet in Glasgow for the COP 26 summit with an eye on achieving zero emissions by 2050. For this to happen, North America and Europe must be carbon neutral by 2042 and then carbon-negative thereafter, according to DNV’s pathway to net zero. The Pathway to Net Zero Emissions report also finds that Greater China must reduce emissions by 98% from 2019 levels by 2050. There are regions that cannot realistically transition completely away from fossil fuels in the same timeframe, such as the Indian Subcontinent, Continue reading “Pathway to Net Zero Emissions report published by DNV”

ICOMIA Sustainability Guide, formerly the Environment Guide, updated and republished

ICOMIA has released an updated Sustainability Guide which was previously known as the Environment Guide. Highlighted in blue are the areas that have changed or had new information added in this edition.

The guide features clear and concise outlines of the latest environment legislation affecting the EU, US, Asia and Australia, plus international organisations such as the International Maritime Organisation. In simple terms, the guide explains what the legislation is, why it has been imposed, when it will take effect, who it may affect and how. The Sustainability Guide is an invaluable tool for anyone who is operating in the global recreational marine industry. Continue reading “ICOMIA Sustainability Guide, formerly the Environment Guide, updated and republished”

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