The 110 page world merchant fleet report by Equasis provides a picture of the global shipping fleet in 2022, derived from data contained in the database. The report examines the structure and characteristics of the fleet and its performance. The statistics are grouped into themes which could be of interest to the industry and regulators, as follows:
1. The Merchant Fleet Population
2. Classification Societies
3. P&I Clubs and Insurance Companies
4. Port State Control, and
5. Trade Associations and Industry Vetting Programmes.
The world merchant fleet report is populated with Equasis data about vessels of 100 GT and above. Basic ship particulars are derived from the commercial database of IHS Markit – S&P Global Market Intelligence. From a commercial and regulatory point of view, size and type of ship are two key criteria on which the statistical analysis is based. For the PSC statistics in Chapter 5, ships are divided into ship type categories derived from PSC databases.
The world merchant fleet report also contains information on fishing vessels of 100 GT and above with an IMO number. There were total of 25,935 fishing vessels reported to Equasis in 2022. Those vessels now represent 20.4% of the ships in the Equasis information system.
More than one fifth of those vessels are over 500 GT and therefore are included in the statistics, where appropriate.
Download the report: World Fleet Report 2022