Under its Certifying Authority contract with the Maritime & Coastguard Agency, IIMS is required to run two training events each year for coding examiners. This one, the first of 2020 will be presented as an online seminar due to the Coronavirus pandemic which restricts movement.
10.00 Kerrie Forster, CEO of The Workboat Association will give an overview of Workboat 2, plus an update on the subject of the high speed code and carriage of dangerous goods.
11.30 Update on MLC 2006 for Certifying Authority Coding Examiners by Julie Carlton, Seafarer Safety & Health Manager, Maritime & Coastguard Agency
13.00 Lunch break
13.30 John Heath FIIMS will talk about what code surveyors should be looking for when they examine the structure within the confines of the codes.
14.30 Fraser Noble, Chairman of the IIMS Certifying Authority, will discuss the progress being made behind the scenes to update the various colour codes and will cover off some essential administration points.
Bookings are closed for this event.