IIMS March 2022 News Bulletin published

It has been a busy news month, both in terms of Institute news but also as far as marine-related news is concerned. This bulletin has some information of importance to the marine surveying profession.

Highlights of the monthly news bulletin include:
– Obituary: Jeffrey Casciani-Wood 1930-2022
– Time to bring your CPD points up to date for last year
– Rosie Webb appointed as Office & Web Administrator at IIMS Head Office
– IIMS Canada Branch AGM and Seminar 12th March
– Public consultation of Australia’s Domestic Commercial Vessel Safety legislation open until 30 March 2022
– Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration new rules applied from 1 January 2022
– Century-old Koningshavenbrug to be partly dismantled to allow the world’s largest sailing yacht to pass
– Recreational Sectoral Group 2022 Guidelines to aid compliance for recreational craft published
– New report outlines pathways for shipping decarbonization
– Anyone for tennis aboard a semi-submersible 146m vessel?

Click to read the news bulletin

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