Brexit, Seawork and all that

To say the last couple of weeks have been interesting and eventful would be an understatement to say the least.

Let me deal with the Brexit issue, as I have been repeatedly asked what it means for UK surveyors in particular in the past few days. The simple truth s that there is nothing or IIMS can say other than we will monitor as things develop in  the coming months. Until a new Prime Minister is elected it is impossible to know what the time frame for departure from the EU will be. But it seems clear that nothing will happen of note that will impact on surveyors probably for a couple of years.

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Modern ‘boat yards’ have moved on

Something very special took place last week. Like many millions of people in the UK, I grew up with deep respect for the RNLI, the world renowned, charitable organisation that keeps the coast of this country safe and saves the lives of those who get into trouble at sea. The brave and exceptional work they do through volunteers who crew their fleet is legendary.

So having admired the work of the RNLI it was rather humbling to be able to take a group of nearly 30 IIMS members to visit their head office and build/refit facility at Continue reading “Modern ‘boat yards’ have moved on”

Palma training was good and all is well with IIMS Canada

One of the things I enjoy most is getting out and meeting marine surveyors face to face and not just those who are members of the Institute. Because I work in a bubble at the IIMS head office for periods of time, it only by face to face meetings that I can learn more about the role of a surveyor and better understand the challenges surveyors are facing in their day to day roles. I also delight in being able to pass on news about the progress of the Institute too.

This was never truer than the recent two day Western Mediterranean Small Craft Working Group, held in Palma – click for a full report. To spend a couple of days with over 20 surveyors was a privilege. It gave us the opportunity to introduce a new group to the work of a coding Continue reading “Palma training was good and all is well with IIMS Canada”

25th Anniversary conference plans are complete

Mike Schwarz pic smallThe whole point of a blog I was taught was that it should be updated regularly. My apologies. The reason it has not been is testament to the sheer amount of activity that is going on in this, our 25th anniversary and Silver Jubilee year.

On that subject, much of my time in the first quarter of 2016 has been devoted to our celebrations and ensuring the special IIMS London Conference on 31 August and 1 September will be a success and memorable occasion. The result is, I believe, a very different and exciting two day event, which incorporates the Annual General Meeting and all at a very reasonable cost too. The morning of day one (31 August) offers delegates a small exhibition to enjoy and five high quality, technical workshops. At lunchtime we move seamlessly into the Silver Jubilee Awards for Excellence to be presented by Sir Alan Massey, CEO of the Maritime & Coastguard Agency. More nominations are required please to keep the judging panel busy – and who would not want to be in the running for such a special award and recognition? You can make nominations here until 30 June and I encourage you to do so.

Continue reading “25th Anniversary conference plans are complete”

It’s officially Spring in the UK

Photo taken at the small  craft training day in Watford last month
Photo taken at the small craft training day in Watford last month

Officially it is now Spring in the UK, although with night time temperatures still sub zero and snow around, we could be forgiven for arguing this point!

Life at IIMS is rarely dull. There have been some significant changes to report on since my last blog. Due to the increased work flow from the CMID Accreditation Scheme we are running for IMCA, we have run out of office space! This is actually a pleasant problem to have. So, after some negotiation, I am grateful to our tenants, Supported Living Ltd, who have agreed to release half of their space for our use. Hilary and Sam will move into that area to establish a Marine Surveying Academy nerve centre. Some slight modifications are required to the space and the builders are heading in this week to do their bit. We take up occupancy on 1 April.

Continue reading “It’s officially Spring in the UK”

An encouraging start to 2016

Almost too small to be surveyed, but just an image I like!
Almost too small to be surveyed, but just an image I like!

As the Institute starts its twenty-fifth year of operation and prepares to celebrate its Silver Jubilee in 2016, I can report that things are busy at IIMS head office as we have hit the floor running.

Currently we are in the midst of migrating to a new server (finally replacing our 8 year old ‘ancient beast’). These things are never easy. We hit an unforeseen glitch last week, but the way is now clear and we expect to be fully operational on our new server environment imminently. At the same time, we have finally managed to find a solution to our appallingly slow internet connection that has dogged us for years. Simultaneously with the server migration, we are upgrading to a 30Mb broadband line. This is a very positive start to the year and will make us even more efficient!

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A busy end to a progressive year

Any chance I might of had of slowly winding down into the long, annual Christmas break, was just a pipe dream; but no complaints.

It was a pleasure to join Capt Zarir Irani, Uday Moorthi and others in Dubai at the end of November for the 4th Biennial IIMS UAE Branch Conference. It is several years since my last trip to Dubai and I was surprised at just how much the city had changed. Money no object it seems. But I am grateful to Zarir and Uday for their warm welcome and hospitality during my time with them.

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A tiring end to an emotional and successful week

The IIMS President (Capt Bertrand Apperry) and I aboard HMS Belfast at the Conference Dinner
The IIMS President (Capt Bertrand Apperry) and I aboard HMS Belfast at the Conference Dinner

So it has been an emotional and mentally draining week, but one which will linger long in my mind and one that I will look back at with great pleasure and pride. I am referring of course to the IIMS London Conference 2015 that took place on Monday and Tuesday of this week.

To put on an event of this scale takes many months of meticulous planning and preparation. I am grateful to those around me who supported and helped me thus ensuring we were able to deliver a great outcome for the sponsors (DGS Marine Group, Constellation Marine Services and Britannia Maritime Security) and the delegates who attended. Add in the fact that we are catering for a truly international audience; and the need to appeal equally to small craft as well as commercial ship surveyors. I believe we got it about right!

Continue reading “A tiring end to an emotional and successful week”

What a summer it has been

The front cover of one of the first four new books to be published by IIMS
The front cover of one of the first four new books to be published by IIMS

It has been a while since I posted on my blog due to pressure in other areas. And although summer in the UK is not quite over and done with, what a summer it has been (and no I am not referring to the indifferent British weather than has made it one to forget).

Of course my colleagues and I are now heavily involved and focused on the build up to the IIMS London Conference 2015, dinner and AGM, our showpiece annual event. Numbers for both Conference and dinner are looking excellent and I am looking forward to what will be a full on two days – the culmination of many months planning. There is an excellent mix of speakers who will, I am confident, inspire and engage the delegates. Anyone who has ever put together such an event will know the sheer amount of work that goes in to the organising side of it. So I thank my colleagues at head office who have done a great job. Look forward to seeing those of you who are coming.

Continue reading “What a summer it has been”

Making friends ‘Down Under’

Clearly something amused me during my key note address to delegates at the IIMS Australia workshop
Clearly something amused me during my key note address to delegates at the IIMS Australia workshop

It was a pleasure to make the long journey to Adelaide to be part of what was a very successful IIMS Australia branch two day workshop. Sadly my stay was only a short one. Mind you, given how cold it was (no-one told me about that), I was happy to head back to warmer climes.

The day before the main event I was fortunate enough to spend the day briefing Adam and his colleagues at AMSA (Australian Maritime Safety Authority) about how maritime regulation operates and is governed in the UK. This proved to be a useful two way discussion and I think left the group with plenty of food for thought and lots to ponder over.

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Nearly half way through the year

Just a photo I managed to take of a Le Havre pilot boat following beside the ferry I was on recently on a sunny evening
Just a photo I managed to take of a Le Havre pilot boat following beside the ferry I was on recently on a sunny evening

So as we approach the mid point of 2015 – time for an update?

There are a number of activities that I would like to touch on in this blog. In particular, I am proud of the work we have done recently with IMCA to bring the ‘world class’ CMID accreditation scheme successfully to market from 1 June. We now have our first two accredited CMID vessel inspectors with a further forty or so in the pipeline. It is a progressive and encouraging start.

It was exciting to reveal the IIMS London Conference 2015 speaker programme recently and I have been delighted by the initial feedback from members. I am so pleased that Nick Sloane, the man behind the parbuckling project on the Costa Concordia, has agreed to speak; but he is one of a number of excellent speakers and the conference will cover a multitude of topics. Particular thanks go to DGS Marine Group and Constellation Marine Services for their generous support and sponsorship.

Continue reading “Nearly half way through the year”

Exciting times at the IIMS

Nepotism is alive and well - my son has recently returned from Trinidad and I am grateful to him for this image! Copyright © Kirk Schwarz
Nepotism is alive and well – my son has recently returned from Trinidad and I am grateful to him for this image! Copyright © Kirk Schwarz

I just wanted to record some random thoughts and comments whilst they are fresh in my mind on what is a very exciting time at the Institute right now. The past few weeks have been extremely busy, yet very rewarding too.

It gave me great pleasure to read the comments from members who were kind enough and took the trouble to send me their thoughts on The Report Magazine March edition. The feedback has been excellent. It was in my opinion one of the best editions of the magazine we have produced to date and I am pleased it went down so well with so many members.

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Instagram Posts from the IIMS @iimsmarine